Saturday, 18 December 2010

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Compared to the greatest people I see, I’m just me

Swag, style, chic, fashion we've all got some level of this. No matter where in the world you're from you've got you're own personal identity. Something that makes you who you are. Personal style is something most of us take pride in, we all want to express ourselves through our clothing. Even though most of us are quite happy blending in, there is a great proportion of the population that love to stand out. By expressing their insane style. I definitely appreciate people that stand out from the crowd. That's something I love about young people. We have the confidence to wear what we want and how we want to without a care in the world, which is admirable.

'Plain Jane, Average Joe' aren't the words that come to mind when I want to describe many of the young people around me. In fact living where I live i'm fortunate enough witness some extremely COOL people. They say we have freedom of speech which is true. But, freedom of what you wear isn't the case. You wear something you're comfortable with but you're apparently offending the vision of others, which is completely nonsense. I admire the confidence of those that are slightly out there. And, there are times I wish I had the confidence to wear something other would, but I know that the society we live in would just frown upon it. Something people do not realise is that we are all different, from colours, shapes and sizes. and different minds to match. So don't judge a book by its cover. We're all different we just need to accept that and appreciate it. 

There's many a time I look at other people and wish that I could be as cool as them but that's just the beauty of life I suppose you live and you learn. We're constantly learning from the ones around us. Style is something that we're told you don't learn it's apparently something you're born  with i'll leave you to be the judge of that opinion.  Fair enough you've got a face of an angel someone will notice you for that but looks aren't everything and someone might notice you for your quirky style and may like you for that. Where what you want, you might spark inspiration by a passer by and trust me they'll be grateful for that. Sounds like pure cheese I know, but i'm sure you're reading this and hopefully nodding along. 

I'm no style guru  I just think that we all like to take pride in what we look like but feel we have to kind of look like everyone else. And, this is something that always puzzles me. Why should we conform...because your parents told you to. Society oppresses so many rules and laws upon us and personal identity shouldn't be one of them. You're far too cool for that. ;) 

Don't follow the trend. Let the trend follow YOU.